B.Tech R18

I year

Regulation 18: POs-PSOs


PROGRAM OUTCOMES (POs) Engineering Graduates will be able to:
PO1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal and environmental considerations.
PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life- long learning in the broadest context of technological change.
PSO1. Professional Skills: Apply the concepts off electronics and communication Engineering to solve problems in various areas like electronics, communication, signal processing, RF & microwave, VLSI, Embedded etc.
PSO2. Problem Solving Skills: Solve complex electronics and communication engineering problems using hardware and software tools.
PSO3. Skill Development: Apply verbal, reasoning, data interpretation, quantitative and communication skills to solve engineering problems.

Regulation 18: PEOs


1.                The graduates of the programme should be successful in professional career and/or higher education by acquiring the knowledge in the fundamentals of Electronics and Communication Engineering encompassing contemporary technologies and professional skills
2.                The graduates of the programme should be able to provide solutions to real life problems which are economical and socially acceptable
3.                The graduates of the programme should exhibit good communication skills and lead a team with human values and professional ethics by engaging in lifelong learning.

Regulation 18: I year


68101 English CO 1 Write coherent, unified, and complete sentences.
CO 2 Identify word meaning and know the use of familiar lexical items.
CO 3 Understand explicit and implicit information and draw inferences for the given task.
CO 4 Communicate according to place, relation and medium.
CO 5 Know, emphasize, conceptualize, comprehend, apply, synthesize, and evaluate the given text, and other authentic texts such as magazines/newspaper articles.
68102 Mathematics – I CO 1 Find rank of a matrix and solve a linear system of equations.
CO 2 Evaluate eigen values, eigen vectors and find the Modal matrix under a linear transformation.
CO 3 Evaluate surface areas and volumes of solids of revolution, Apply Mean value theorems in relevant engineering domains.
CO 4 Determine the convergence/divergence of a given infinite series.
CO 5 Find the extremum of a multi-variate function with or without constraints.
68104 Applied Physics CO 1 The concepts involving the physics of lasers, lasing action, construction and working of He-Ne laser, semiconductor laser and propagation of light through optical fibers.
CO 2 Schrodinger wave equation and its application, free electron models, formation of bands in solids and electron occupation in bands.
CO 3 Estimation of charge carrier concentration in semiconductors and understand the formation of pn junction, construction and characteristics of different diodes like rectifying, Zener & Tunnel diodes.
CO 4 Transistor current components, characteristics of CB, CE and CC configurations, also understand the construction, working and characteristics of JFET & MOSFET.
CO 5 The principles of nanotechnology, types of nanomaterials, synthesis: Top-down and bottom-up methods, characteri-zation: XRD, SEM & TEM.
65101 Problem Solving Through ‘C’ CO 1 Ability to understand programming concepts and analyze a problem, design a solution and develop an algorithm to solve it.
CO 2 Ability to modularize a problem and implement the solution using basic programming concepts, control statements and functions.
CO 3 Ability to evaluate the use of macros and implement solutions to complex problems using recursion and homogeneous data types.
CO 4 Ability to implement pointers for problems of relevance and use different dynamic memory allocation methods.
CO 5 Design and implement appropriate user defined structures to a given problem definition and apply various functions for processing files.
63102 Engineering Drawing CO 1 Know the Standard conventions, design scale for drawing engineering components and draw geometrical constructions.
CO 2 Apply fundamentals of theory of projections, and draw orthographic projections of points and lines in any position.
CO 3 Construct orthographic projections of simple planes and regular solids in any position.
CO 4 Draw sectional views and developments of various basic 3D objects.
CO 5 Construct isometric views and construct multi view drawings of simple and complex 3D objects.
68131 English Language and Communication Skills Lab – I CO 1 Emerge as good speakers and listeners
CO 2 Develop critical and analytical thinking.
CO 3 Write effectively.
CO 4 Develop effective presentation skills using the multimedia tools.
CO 5 Neutralize mother tongue
68134 Applied Physics Lab CO 1 Get an understanding of errors and their estimation in determination of Physical quantities.
CO 2 Get an understanding of the laws of physics associated with the experiments.
CO 3 Would develop skills in handling various kinds of laboratory instruments.
CO 4 Get awareness of the magnitudes of the different physical parameters and learn how to Present the observations and results at the end of an experiment.
CO 5 Get an understanding of the physical concepts involved in the experiments.
65131 Computer Programming Lab CO 1 Familiarity of programming environment in Linux operating system and to translate given algorithms to a working and correct program.
CO 2 Ability to interpret syntax errors as reported by the compilers and to be able to identify and correct logical errors encountered at run time using debuggers like GDB.
CO 3 Ability to write iterative as well as recursive programs.
CO 4 Ability to represent data in arrays, pointers, strings and structures and manipulate them through a program and use them in defining self-referential structures or structures or designing a user defined data type.
CO 5 Ability to implement file processing functions and be able to store, retrieve and process data in text and binary formats.
63131 Engineering Workshop CO 1 Acquire skills of basic engineering trades like Carpentry, Tin smithy etc.
CO 2 Demonstrate an understanding of and comply with workshop safety regulations.
CO 3 Identify and use marking out tools, hand tools, measuring equipment and to work to prescribed tolerances.
CO 4 Apply the knowledge of the above trades in their day –to – day activities.
CO 5 Select appropriate equipment and consumables for required applications.
68152 Mathematics – II CO 1 Solve the first order O.D.E and appreciate their applications
CO 2 Solve higher order O.D.E and appreciate their applications in engineering problems
CO 3 Evaluate double and triple integrals and apply them in engineering problems
CO 4 Evaluate the line, surface and volume integrals and converting them from one to another
CO 5 Solve first order linear and non-linear P.D.E
68156 Environmental Science CO 1 Define the concepts of ecosystem and emphasize the importance of biodiversity and its conservation.
CO 2 Gain knowledge on natural resources and advantages and disadvantages on renewable energy sources and technologies.
CO 3 Develop awareness on pollution control technologies and global atmospheric changes.
CO 4 Emphasize the importance of Environmental impact assessment and green technologies.
CO 5 Understand about Environmental legislation and the concept of Sustainable development.
68153 Computational Mathematics CO 1 Find the real roots of Algebraic and Transcendental equations.
CO 2 Understand interpolation and obtain approximate solutions for evenly and unevenly spaced data.
CO 3 Fit a given data to a linear/non-linear curve and appreciate the concepts of numerical differentiation and integration.
CO 4 Develop the skill of finding approximate solutions to problems arising in first order initial value problems in differential equations.
CO 5 Find finite difference solutions of certain P.D.E.
68155 Engineering Chemistry CO 1 Rationalise periodic properties such as ionization potential, electron affinity, oxidation states and electronegativity.
CO 2 Understanding the importance of EMF, corrosion and treatment of water.
CO 3 List major chemical reactions that are used in the synthesis of molecules.
CO 4 Analyze microscopic chemistry in terms of atomic and molecular orbitals and intermolecular forces.
CO 5 Would develop ability to handle situations involving problems associated with chemical substances in engineering situations.
65151 Data Structures Thtrough ‘C’ CO 1 Understand basic concepts, Design and implement linear data structures such as linked lists, stacks, queues by using C as the programming language using static or dynamic implementations.
CO 2 Able to understand and analyze, differentiate and implement elementary algorithms: sorting, searching and hashing and will also be able to compare and contrast algorithms with respect to time and space complexity.
CO 3 Able to implement nonlinear data structures like trees and graphs and apply appropriate data structures to designing solutions to real world complex problems.
CO 4 Demonstrate sound understanding of graph traversals and ability to implement various algorithms on graphs and interpret the results.
CO 5 Ability to implement hashing techniques for storing and searching efficiently.
68181 English Language and
Communication Skills Lab – II
CO 1 Evolve as effective communicators and will develop narrative skills
CO 2 Emerge as decision makers and autonomous learners
CO 3 Develop critical and analytical skills
CO 4 Gather ideas and information, and organize them coherently.
CO 5 Develop leadership and team building skills.
68183 Computational Mathematics Lab CO 1 Write a program to find real roots of Algebraic and Transcendental equations
CO 2 Write a program to determine functional value at any given intermediate point of the given data for an unknown function by interpolation
CO 3 Write a program for a best fit curve by Least Squares method for a given set of data points
CO 4 Write a program for numerical integration by Trapezoidal, Simpson‟s 1/3 and 3/8 rules
CO 5 Write a program to find the value of the solution of a given first order initial value problem of O.D.E
CO 6 Write a program to find the value of the solution One-dimensional Heat equation and two-dimensional Laplace equation
68185 Engineering Chemistry Lab CO 1 Estimate rate constants of reactions from concentration of reactants/products as a function of time.
CO 2 Measure molecular/system properties such as surface tension, viscosity, conductance of solutions, redox potentials, absorbance.
CO 3 Understand the concepts of distribution and adsorption phenomena.
CO 4 Synthesize a small drug molecule.
CO 5 Develop analytical skills and learn how to analyze and present results of an experiment.
65181 Data Structures Thtrough ‘C’ Lab CO 1 Understand basic data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks and queues.
CO 2 Ability to interpret syntax errors as reported by the compilers and to be able to identify and correct logical errors encountered at run time using debuggers like GDB.
CO 3 Apply Algorithm for solving problems like sorting, searching, insertion and deletion of data.
CO 4 Solve problems involving graphs, trees and heaps.
CO 5 Apply Hashing techniques for efficient storage and retrieval of data.
67181 IT Workshop Lab CO 1 Identify the peripherals of PC, assemble and disassemble PC components.
CO 2 Install the System software MS Windows, Linux and required device drivers.
CO 3 Work with productivity tools for Word Processing, Spread Sheet and Presentations along with Designing basic Web Pages.
CO 4 Understand the main features of the SCILAB program development environment to enable their usage in higher learning.
CO 5 Interpret and visualize simple mathematical functions and operations using plots or display.

Regulation 18: II-I


1 64201 Electronic Circuits-I Analyze different rectifier circuits with and without filters.
  Analyze clippers, clampers, RC circuits and comparator circuits.
  Analyze different biasing circuits for BJTs and FETs
  Analyze different small signal BJT amplifiers at low frequencies.
  Analyze different small signal BJT amplifiers at high frequencies and analyze different single stage JFET amplifiers.
2 64202 Signals and Systems CO 1 : Characterize and analyze the properties of continuous and discrete time signals and systems. To apply the knowledge of linear algebra topics like vector space, basis, inner product, norm and orthogonal basis to signals. dimension,
  CO 2 : Represent continuous signals and systems in the Frequency domain using Fourier Series and Fourier transform.
  CO 3 : Understand the filter characteristics of LTI systems, correlation and the concept of sampling and reconstruction of analog signals.
  CO 4 : Apply the Laplace transforms to analyze continuous-time signals and systems.
  CO 5 : Apply Z- transforms to analyze discrete-time signals and systems.
3 64203 Digital Logic Design CO 1 : Perform number system conversions, binary arithmetic and simplify Boolean functions.
  CO 2 : Design various combinational logic circuits.
  CO 3 : Design and analyze various synchronous sequential logic circuits.
  CO 4 : Understand various digital logic families and semiconductor memories.
  CO 5 : Implement logic functions using PLDs, prepare ASM charts.
4 68202 Mathematics – III CO1 : Develop the skill of evaluating Laplace and Inverse Laplace transform of functions which are required to solve linear systems under initial conditions.
  CO2 : Develop the skill of evaluating Fourier transform offunctions which are required to solve Partial Differentialequations under given conditions.
  CO3 : Understand the concepts of analyticity and integration of complex functions, construction of analytic functions if apart of it is known.
  CO4 : Evaluate integrals using Cauchy’s Integral formulae arounda simple closed contour.
  CO5 : Find the Taylor’s and Laurent’s series expansion of complexfunctions and to evaluate contour integrals using Residue theorem.
5 62205 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering CO 1 : Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to the analysis and design of electrical circuits.
  CO 2 : Solve the complex AC and DC electric circuits by applyingthe suitable principles.
  CO 3 : Understand the concept and applications of Resonance and able to solve the problems using various network theorems
  CO 4 : Apply the concepts of two port network parameters and transient response of electrical circuits in the real time applications.
  CO 5 : Acquire sufficient knowledge about the basic principles of various Electrical Machines.
6 64231 Electronic Circuits-I Lab CO 1 : Design and analyze different rectifier circuits with and without filters
  CO 2 : Design and analyze clippers, clampers and RC circuits
  CO 3 : Design biasing circuits for BJTs
  CO 4 : Design and analyze different small signal BJT, JFET amplifiers at low frequencies
  CO 5 : Use diode and transistor for different applications
7 64232 Basic Simulation Lab CO 1 : Simulate generation and operation of different types of signals and systems.
  CO 2 : Apply transform techniques for the analysis of signals
  CO 3 : Simulate convolution, correlation and spectral densities of deterministic signals.
  CO 4 : Simulate response of LTI system for various input signals.
  CO 5 : Determine the stability of the systems using pole-zero plots in s-domain and z-domain using simulation.
8 64233 Digital Logic Design Lab CO 1 : Design and implement various combinational circuits using logic gates.
  CO 2 : Design and implement various sequential circuits.

Regulation 18: II-II


64251 Linear Control Systems CO 1 : Understand concept of control systems and different methods to find transfer function of a system
CO 2 : Understand system transient and steady state response and their specifications
CO 3 : Analyze the system stability time domain and frequencydomain.
CO 4 : Design controller units and compensators
CO 5 : Analyze system considering Initial conditions
64252 Electromagnetic Theory and Transmission Lines CO 1 : Solve electrostatic problems.
CO 2 : Solve magnetostic problems.
CO 3 : Apply Maxwell’s equations to solve electromagnetic problems.
CO 4 : Analyze the behaviour of uniform plane wave propagation in various media and at the boundaries of different media.
CO 5 : Analyze and design transmission lines for variousapplications through calculations and Smith chart.
64253 Electronic Circuits – II CO 1 : Analyze multistage amplifiers using BJT and FET
CO 2 : Analyze feedback amplifiers using different feedback topologies.
CO 3 : Analyze LC and RC oscillators.
CO 4 : Analyze power amplifiers with different conduction angle
CO 5 : Analyze tuned amplifiers with different resonance circuits
64254 Computer Organization and Architecture CO 1 : Understand the major components of computer system including CPU, memory and I/O.
CO 2 : Familiar with data representation, addressing modes and instruction set of a computer.
CO 3 : Perform computer arithmetic operations and under control unit operations.
CO 4 : Understand the organization of memory and memory management hardware.
CO 5 : Understand the concepts of pipelining and I/O organization
CO 6 : Design an interconnection networks and multiprocessors
64255 Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes CO 1 : Perceive the various probability concepts, and theorems.
CO 2 : Apply the concepts of various random variables to model random experiments.
CO 3 : Evaluate the statistical operations performed on single and multiple random variables.
CO 4 : Evaluate temporal and spectral characteristics of random process.
CO 5 : Analyze the performance of communication systems with random inputs.
64281 Linear Control Systems Lab CO 1 : Measure resistance, capacitance and inductance.
CO 2 : Analyze the characteristics of servo motors and synchros.
CO 3 : Analyze the effect of feedback and compensation techniques in control systems.
64282 Electronic Circuits-II Lab CO 1 : Design and analyze multi stage amplifiers using BJTs and FETs.
CO 2 : Design and analyze feedback amplifiers using different topologies.
CO 3 : Design and analyze RC and LC oscillators.
CO 4 : Design and analyze power amplifiers with different conduction angles.
CO 5 : Design and analyze Tuned amplifiers.
62284 Electrical Engineering Lab CO 1 : Verify the network theorems practically and can apply wherever is necessary in the circuit analysis.
CO 2 : Understand about phenomenon of resonance and study the response of series and parallel resonant circuits.
CO 3 : Verify the two port network parameters practically.
CO 4 : Determine the efficiency of a transformer.
CO 5 : Analyze the magnetization characteristics of dc shunt generator.
68281 Verbal Ability Lab CO 1 : Students will be empowered in English language skills and meet the demands of the global work environment.
CO 2 : A Students will have enriched vocabulary.
CO 3 : Students will be proficient in answering reasoning based questions.
CO4 : Students will develop the ability to write grammatically correct sentences.
CO5 : Students will enhance their professional writing skills through business letters.
68282 Gender Sensitization CO 1 : Students will have developed a better understanding of important issues related to gender in contemporary India.
CO 2 : Students will be sensitized to basic dimensions of the biological, sociological, psychological and legal aspects of gender. This will be achieved through discussion of materials derived from research, facts, everyday life, literature and film.
CO 3 : Students will attain a finer grasp of how gender discrimination works in our society and how to counter it.
CO 4 : Students will acquire insight into the gendered division of labour and its relation to politics and economics.
CO 5 : Men and women students and professionals will be better equipped to work and live together as equals.
CO 6 : Students will develop a sense of appreciation of women in all walks of life.
CO 7 : Through providing accounts of studies and movements as well as the new laws that provide protection and relief to women, the textbook will empower students to understand and respond to gender violence.

Regulation 18: III-I


64301 Analog Communications CO 1: Understand the basic communication system fundamentals, various modulation and demodulation techniques.
CO 2 : Describe various carrier suppression modulation and demodulation techniques.
CO 3 : Classify the angle modulation techniques, explain their principles of generation and detection, properties and analyses of angle modulated waves.
CO 4 : Analyze the effect of noise on different types of analog communication systems.
Understand the concept of radio receivers. Also, explain the concept of thesampling process and various pulse modulation techniques.
64302 Antennas and Wave Propagation CO 1 : Understand the antenna parameters and design linear wire antenna
CO 2 : Design antenna arrays for desired antenna characteristics
CO 3 : Design helical, reflector, horn and microstrip antennas
CO 4 : Understand antenna measurement techniques
CO 5 : Understand different modes of wave propagation
64303 Linear IC Applications CO 1 : Understand the basics of OP-AMP 741 IC and analyze op-amp circuits
CO 2 : Infer the DC and AC characteristics of operational amplifiers & its effect on the output.
CO 3 : Design linear applications using the op-amp
CO 4 : Analyze and design oscillator and comparator circuits
CO 5 : Design multivibrators circuits using 555 Timer, Classify and comprehend the working principle of data converters
64304 Microprocessors and Microcontrollers CO 1 : Understand the architecture and organization of 8086.
CO 2 : Explore the internal architecture of 8051 and to create ready to run programs using 8051 assemblers.
CO 3 : Understand basic embedded C programming and working of timers/counters to develop microcontroller-based systems.
CO 4 : Describe the serial communication feature of 8051 and how to write interrupt handler programs.
CO 5 : Interface real-world devices such as LCDs, Keyboards, ADC and DAC with 8051
64305 Biomedical Electronics CO 1 : Know the electrical activity in the human body and different type of transducers
CO 2 : Analyze the bio-signal and different types of amplifiers
CO 3 : classify the different types of bio-signal recording systems
CO 4 : Understand the working principle of various specialized medical equipment
CO 5 : Understand the advanced techniques used in biomedical instrumentation
64306 Digital Modeling Using HDL CO 1 : Understand the capabilities of HDLs and learn Verilog constructs.
CO 2 : Differentiate and write circuit descriptions in gate level and data flow modelling styles.
CO 3 : Describe circuits using behavioural modelling and write test benches for simulation.
CO 4 : Describe circuits at transistor level using switch-level modelling and learn to use UDPs.
CO 5 : Understand delay models in Verilog and learn synthesis aspects.
64307 Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation CO 1 : Know the usage of various measuring instruments, minimize errors associated and evaluate their performance characteristics.
CO 2 : Design bridge circuits and evaluate resistance, inductance, capacitance, voltage, current, power factor and energy.
CO 3 : Generate various types of signals and measure physical quantities of signal
CO 4 : Measure amplitude, frequency and phase of waveform with an oscilloscope
CO 5 : Select appropriate passive or active transducers for measurement of strain, displacement, velocity, angular velocity, temperature and pressure.
64331 Analog Communications Lab CO 1 : Implement and analyze different analog communication systems.
CO 2 : Understand the significance of sampling theorem.
CO 3 : Understand multiplexing concepts.
64332 Linear IC Applications Lab CO 1 : Analyze and design different circuits using OP-AMP 741 IC
CO 2 : Analyze and design different circuits using Timer 555 IC
CO 3 : Analyze and design PLL Applications and converters
64333 Microcontrollers Lab CO 1 : Implement the Assembly Language Programs to perform various operations in 8051 Micro-Controller.
CO 2 : Implement time delay between the events by programming the timers/interrupts in 8051 Micro-Controller.
CO 3 : Transmit the message serially at different baud rates using UART operation in 8051 Micro-Controller.
CO 4 : Interface various I/O Devices like DC Motor, LCD & LED to 8051 Micro-Controller
CO 5 : Interface various I/O Devices like Keyboard, LCD, 7-Segment Display and DC Motor, Stepper Motor and Servo Motor to development boards.
68332 Effective Technical Communication Lab CO 1 : Attain proficiency in features of Technical communication
CO 2 : Develop expertise in reading skills
CO 3 : Use English language appropriately to write effective reports, e-mails, notes and summaries.
CO 4 : Become proficient in Analytical and Critical Thinking Skills
CO 5 : Be empowered to use English language effectively in Technical Communication
68302 Universal Human Values CO1 : Understand the significance of values, distinguish between values and skills.
CO2 : Apply the concept of happiness and prosperity to set the goals in life.
CO3 : Evaluate the current scenario in the society, in a right manner.
CO4 : Distinguish between the needs of the self and body through principles of co-existence.
CO5 : Understand the value of harmonious relationship based on trust, respect and other naturally acceptable feelings in human-human relationships.
CO6 : Understand the harmony in nature and existence, and work out their mutually fulfilling participation in the nature.

Regulation 18: III-II


64351 Digital Communications CO 1 : Understand the baseband data transmission techniques. Describe the quantization process, completing the transition from analog to digital and multiplexing techniques.
CO 2 : Describe the concepts of band-pass digital modulation techniques and understandthe signal space diagrams of various digital modulation techniques.
CO 3 : Calculate the bit error performance of various digital modulation techniques. Also, able to describe optimum detection of the digital signals of different modulation techniques in the presence of noise and skilful in the design of equalizers.
CO 4 : Explain the information theory and able to do source and entropy coding. Differentiate and explain various discrete channels.
CO 5 : Understand the concept of channel coding. Also, skilful in carrying out the error detection and correction techniques in channel coding.
64352 Digital Signal Processing CO 1 : Understand the various operations on discrete-time signals & systems.
CO 2 : Apply DFT and FFT on discrete-time signals.
CO 3 : Realize the various Structures for Digital Filters.
CO 4 : Analyze and design an IIR digital filter.
CO 5 : Analyze and design an FIR digital filter.
64353 VLSI System Design CO 1 : Familiarize with the basics of MOSFET and different IC fabrication technologies
CO 2 : Understand the electrical properties of MOS and CMOS circuits.
CO 3 : Develop layouts for NMOS, CMOS logic circuits and learn the design flow
CO 4 : Analyze and design various CMOS combinational and sequential circuits
CO 5 : Understand the concept of memory implementation and the need for testing
68352 Managerial Economics and Financial Analysis CO 1 : Familiarize with the fundamentals of Economics such as Demand function, Law of demand, Elasticity of demand and Demand Forecasting methods etc.
CO 2 : Evaluate Economies of Scale and the Break-Even Point of the business activity.
CO 3 : Understand the different Market Structures and Macro Economic concepts.
CO 4 : Able to understand the accounting system and preparation of Final Accounts.
CO 5 : Analyze Accounting Statements like Income Statement and Balance Sheet to understand financial performance of the business.
64354 Advanced Microcontrollers CO 1 : Examine the architecture and registers of AVR microcontroller
CO 2 : Familiarize instruction set of AVR microcontroller and write programs in assembly language.
CO 3 : Explore the On-chip peripherals of AVR microcontroller
CO 4 : Explore the internal architecture of PIC microcontroller and create ready to run programs using assembly language.
CO 5 : Explore the On-chip peripherals of PIC microcontroller
64355 FPGA Architectures and Applications CO 1 : Understand the FPGA architectures
CO 2 : Understand types of FPGA interconnecting technologies
CO 3 : Know different FPGA vendors architecture and their applications
CO 4 : Develop the capability of logic expression using anti-fuse FPGA such as ACTEL FPGAs.
CO 5 : Understand the design applications using FPGA
64356 Wireless Communications CO 1 : Understand the fundamentals of mobile and cellular communications, system design and cell capacity.
CO 2 : Understand the large-scale path loss in mobile radio propagation
CO 3 : Model the fading effects in multipath environment
CO 4 : Understand different types of equalizers and diversity techniques
CO 5 : Acquire knowledge on multiple access techniques
64381 Digital Communications Lab CO 1 : Implement and analyze basic digital modulation techniques
CO 2 : Calculate the bit error rate for different digital modulation schemes
CO 3 : Verify and simulate the coding technique in digital modulation schemes
64382 Digital Signal Processing Lab CO 1 : Carry out a simulation of DSP systems
CO 2 : Implement the FFT for various DSP applications
CO 3 : Design IIR and FIR digital filters
CO 4 : Implement multi-rate signal processing systems
CO 5 : Implement DSP systems using DSP processor
68382 Advanced English Communication & Soft Skills Lab CO 1 : Evolve as effective communicators.
CO 2 : Emerge as decision makers, time managers and good negotiators.
CO 3 : Gain proficiency in resume writing and requisite interview skills
CO 4 : Collate ideas and information and organize them relevantly and coherently.
CO 5 : Be empowered to use soft skills in the global context.
68381 Quantitative Ability Lab CO 1: Solve the problems using Number Systems, Percentages and Profit & Loss
CO 2: Solve the problems using Interest, Speed Time and Distance
CO 3: Solve the problems using Ratio and Proportion, Progressions and Inequality
CO 4: Solve the problems using Menstruation, Geometric, Clocks & Calendars questions
CO 5: Practice general problems in Placement, CAT and GRE etc. tests
68351 Essence of Indian Knowledge Tradition CO 1 : To gain a general idea of the vast Vedic literature and their content and to grasp the relevant concepts of the Vedas and appreciate its relevance in the modern world.
CO 2 : Understand, connect up and explain basics of Indian Traditional Knowledge in Modern Scientific Perspective.
CO 3 : Understand Yoga psychology as both a positive and a normative science and its contribution for a holistic health.
CO 4 : Understand the views of our great philosophers to correlate their efforts toachieve unity in diversity.

Regulation 18: IV-I


64401 Microwave Engineering Analyze the characteristics of rectangular waveguides and its coupling mechanisms
Design waveguide components and analyze using S matrix
Analyze different types of microwave tubes
Analyze different types of microwave solid state devices
Measure various waveguide parameters using microwave bench set up
64402 Satellite Communications Analyze the basic concepts of satellite communication, orbital mechanics and launching
Analyze the satellite subsystems and satellite antennas
Analyze different multiple access schemes and satellite link design
Understand satellite TV and digital broadcasting
Understand the principle of GPS
64403 ASIC Design Be familiar with ASIC designs
Learn about library cell design, library architecture
Understand different types of simulation, models and verification
Learn about physical design, different CAD tools, their methods and algorithms
Understand Floor Planning, Placement and Routing
64404 Digital Image Processing Understand the basic concepts of a 2-D Image Processing system, Sampling and Quantization and gain the concepts regarding the use of different 2D Image transforms
Understand the spatial domain and frequency domain filtering techniques, including point operations, masking, histogram modification, smoothing and sharpening filters
Acquire the knowledge of the image degradation in the presence of noise, different noise models and different approaches to restore the image. Also analyzing colour image processing techniques
Understand the need for image segmentation using local and global processing methods and analyze the use of morphological operations like opening, closing for preprocessing applications
Understand the need for compression and evaluate the basic compression algorithms
64405 Internet of Things Architectures and Programming Understand the concepts of IoT and its present developments
Describe different IOT technologies and generic design methods
Acquire knowledge about different software platforms and Infrastructure for IoT
Know different IoT Devices for smart applications and control
Know the use of cloud platforms and frameworks of IoT
64406 EMBEDDED REAL-TIME OPERATING SYSTEMS Understand multitasking and different task level operations of RTOS
Understand objects of the kernel in embedded systems applications
Program for interrupts and exceptions in RTOS
Differentiate architectures of different RTOS
Design an embedded system using RTOS
64407 COMMUNICATION NETWORKS Understand basic switching and multiple access techniques used in communication networks.
Analyze communication network protocols and standards.
Understand the working of Intranet, LAN, WAN, MAN, LPWAN setup and different topologies (fundamental knowledge).
Analyze the local and global impact of networks and gain familiarity with common networking protocols, algorithms and security issues in networks.
Use the knowledge of network protocols and their performance in modelling communication networks
64408 SYSTEM ON CHIP ARCHITECTURE Understand the basic level of a system on chip processor and architectures
Design various processors by using parallel techniques
Explore different types of memory architectures and their internal structures
Design bus architectures by using peripheral specifications
Design various encryption algorithms for DSP processors
64431 MICROWAVE ENGINEERING LAB Measure attenuation, VSWR, scattering parameters of microwave components
Perform antenna measurements
Understand the characteristics of the Reflex Klystron and Gunn diode
64432 VLSI SYSTEM DESIGN LAB Gain knowledge about design styles of various gates
Understand the simulation and synthesis procedure of combinational circuits
Develop the sequential circuit applications using Flip-Flops
Draw layouts using various steps of the layout design process
Design and implement digital and analog circuits under a full-custom design environment
64433 Technical Seminar – I Face any type of interviews, viva-voce, and aptitude tests.
 Perform well in competitive exams and group discussions.
Apply knowledge in building their career in particular fields.
Enhance their communication skills and interactivity.
64434 Industry Oriented Mini Project C01: To offer students a glimpse into real world problems and Industrial challenges that need Electronics based solutions
C02: To introduce students to the vast array of literature available of the various research challenges in the field of ECE
C03: To create awareness among the students of the characteristics of several domain areas where ECE concepts can be effectively used.
C04: To enable students enhance the testing and debugging skills in a particular platform and create a solution for a problem
C05: To improve the team building, communication and management skills of the students

Regulation 18: IV-II


64451 Radar Engineering Understand the basic principles of how a Radar system works
Identify the various Radar systems in existence, specify their applications and limitations and explain the principles of how they work
Describe the most commonly used techniques in processing Radar signals
Understanding the concepts of different Radar receivers
Study of different filter characteristics used in Radar
64452 Adhoc Wireless Sensor Networks Understand the principles of Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETs) and distinguish them from infrastructure-based networks
Understand various MAC and routing protocols functioning and their implications
Classify various protocols for providing quality of service
Understand the principles and characteristics of wireless sensor networks (WSNs)
Understand the principles of MAC protocols
64453 Multirate Signal Processing Understand the concepts of sample rate conversion techniques and its applications
Learn the principles of polyphase filtering
Design and implement the multi-channel perfect reconstruction filter bank systems
Learn the design procedures for cosine modulated filter banks
Apply Transmultiplexer filter banks in Communication applications
64454 Optical Fiber Communications Define basic optical laws and fundamentals. Also, understand the fiber structures, associated design parameters, fiber materials, and Fiber manufacturing techniques
Describe channel impairment like fiber losses and dispersion. Also, remember the fiber standards to utilize in-network design
Classify the optical sources, explain their principles, properties and analyses power launching and coupling techniques for optical fibers
Differentiate and explain the working of photodetectors. Also, able to calculate the system bandwidth, noise, probability of error and bitrate of a digital fiber system
Explain the concept and component of wavelength division multiplexing. Also, skilful in the design of Passive Optical Networks (PON) along with SONET
64481 Technical Seminar – II Face any type of interviews, viva-voce, and aptitude tests.
 Perform well in competitive exams and group discussions.
Apply knowledge in building their career in particular fields.
Enhance their communication skills and interactivity.
64482 Project Work To apply knowledge of Electronics and Communication Engineering in designing solutions for real time problems.
To perform data collection and review research literature.
To use modern tools and research knowledge for developing products.
To learn the ethical principles that leads to innovation and teamwork that is inline with Lifelong learning, Project management and cost-effective system design
To develop presentation and communication skills.