The Department has the Institutional Life Membership of IETE. Ten faculty members have IEEE Membership
The Department received three projects (Development of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, Development of Data Acquisition System Hardware and Development of Data Acquisition System Software) from DRDO worth of Rs 27 lakhs and successfully completed. The Department received a project called Software Implementation of Multi Channel Analyzer (MCA) from ECIL worth of 6.6 Lakhs and successfully completed. The Department also received a project on Development of S/X/KA multiband feed from NRSC on 31-08-2017 of worth 33 Lakhs.
The Department has received a grant of Rs. 10.8 lakhs from AICTE as part of MODROBS. The AICTE granted 12 lakhs as part of IIPC (Industry Institute Partnership Cell) to develop the systems for the industry usage in the areas of Video-Analytics System for security in vital installations and to conduct workshops/conference.
The Department is actively involved in the development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with Dr. P. Subramanyam as the principal investigator. The project provides a centralized platform for providing a collaborative research and development environment with faculty and students. College has invested an amount of Rs 6.5 lakhs in this project. Dr. T Esther Rani and Dr. Humaira Nishat applied for AICTE start-up contest.
The Department is conducting various Short Term Courses, Faculty Development Programs, Workshops and Guest lecturers for the benefit of External and Internal faculty members and students under IEEE Chapter, IETE and Department Students Association (Technolites). The Department encourages the faculty members to enhance their knowledge by attending the Faculty Development Programs and Short Term Courses conducted by other reputed institutions.
Centre for VLSI design with Cadence tools was established in 2003 in the name of Prof. Magdy A. Bayoumi, Fellow IEEE ,University of Lousiana , USA.