Name of the faculty | ProjectTitle | Project TypeResearch/ Consultancy | Funding Agency | Amount(Rs) | Duration |
Prof.CHVRS GopalaKrishna Dr.K.S.Nayanathara Dr. K.Lalithendra | Development of Multi band S/X/Ka band feed system | Research | NRSC(ISRO) | 33 Lakhs | 2 Years(Start Date: 31-08-2017) |
Dr. T. Esther Rani | Design of self-sleep circuit to minimize standby power for VLSI and Embedded applications | Research | UGC | Rs 46.88 Lakhs | 3Yrs (March 2015 to Feb 2018) |
Dr. K. Yedukondalu | Study and implementation of self-organizedfemto Cells for Broadband services to indoor users in heterogeneous environment | Research | AICTE | RS 23.87 Lakhs | 3 Years (Start Date: 02-08-2017) |
Dr. T. Esther Rani | Implementation of DSP algorithms in FPGA and ARM controller card for nuclear pulse processing Applications | Consultancy | ECIL | 6.6 Lakhs | 9 Months (Start Date: 13-01-2016) |
Dr. T. Esther Rani | PDK under SMDP _C2SD Project(under non disclosure agreement) | Consultancy | SCL | Tools worth 1 Crore | 10 Years (Start Date: 10-07-2017) |
Prof. CHVRS Gopala Krishna | Design of 13m Dual Reflector Receive Only Antenna | Consultancy | COMSAT Systems Pvt. Ltd. | 3.32 Lakhs | 6 Months (Start Date: 01-10-2018) |
Dr. T. Esther Rani | Hands on Embedded System Design using Arduino | Seminar Grant | AICTE | 1 Lakh | 1 Year (Start Date: 08-06-2017) |
Dr. KS Nayanathara | Recent Advances in Radar Systems for Special Applications | AICTE – ISTE Faculty/ Refresher Programme | AICTE – ISTE | 3 Lakhs | 6 Months (Start Date: 12-03-2017) |
Prof. P. Subramanyam | Development of Robust and Low cost unmanned aerial vehicles | Research | Institutional funding CVR College of Engineering |
15 Lakhs | 2014-15 onwards |
CVR College | New Gen Innovation Entrepreneurship Development Center | Product Development | DST | 2.87 Crores | 2018-19 |
Prof. S Sengupta | Data Acquisition System (DAS) Software | Research and Consultancy | DRDO | 8.7 Lakhs | 12 Months (Start Date:21-11-12) |
Prof. S Sengupta | Development of orthogonal Frequency Division multiplexing (OFDM) | Research and Consultancy | DRDO | 9 Lakhs | 10 Months (Start Date:30-11-12) |
Prof. S Sengupta | Data Acquisition System (DAS) Hardware | Research and Consultancy/td> | DRDO | 8.8 Lakhs | 12 Months (Start Date:14-12-12) |
Prof. Nayanathara KS | MODROBS | Infrastructure Upgradation | AICTE | 10.8 Lakhs | 1 Year (Start Date:26-03-13) |
Consultancy projects: This department has entered into prestigious contracts with ECIL and DRDO for developing high end products. DRDO, Hyderabad has sanctioned three projects worth ` 28 lakhs and all the three have been successfully completed
1. OFDM for DRDL
It is a new modulation technique for baseband modulation to increase the capacity of high speed radio channels. It was implemented on FPGA by using the state of the art tools and delivered to DRDL which they used with proper engineering works for radio communication between missile and control center. Value of the order Rs. 9, 00,000/-.The OFDM hardware configuration using FPG1.Data Acquisition Hardware for DRDL This is a system for connecting various types of analog and digital inputs through a universal interface to connect to the processing unit for data logging and the limit checks. It was delivered to DRDL and implemented on FPGA for integration for their flight trials feedback. Value of the order was Rs. 9, 00,000/-.
The final DAS product deliverable at DRDL1.Data Acquisition EngineThis is a software running on CPU implemented on FPGA with universal interface as described in item 2 above for storing of data and display. This system was delivered to DRDL. Value of the order was Rs. 9,00,000/-.Development of Robust and Low Cost Unmanned Aerial Vehicles [ U A Vs ]for Surveillance & Commercial ApplicationsR &D workThe project is funded by the college management. The college management has already funded Rs 6.5 lakhs towards this project. The above area was chosen for R & D work because, in due course, the work becomes an inter- disciplinary subject and can draw both faculty and students of different departments. Presently, the faculty of ECE department has initiated this program involving seven M.Tech.(ES) students , naming it as “ UAV PROJECT”.1.A sensitive Thrust measuring Instrument has been developed to measure the thrust produced by the Motors used in UAVs. It plays a key role in the design and fabrication of UAVs . We used this instrument to develop UAVs for Agricultural Applications mentioned above.1.A UAV Test Jig (first stage ) has been designed and developed to minimize the imbalances in UAVs. UAV Test Jig is used to fine tune UAVs to fix its performance.
- Aerial survey of Agricultural land
Conducting Aerial Surveyplays a significant role in Agriculture. With aGoPro camera fitted on UAV, our UAV team developed an application to conduct Aerial Survey of agricultural land.This idea is useful – by taking videos of the land periodically- comparing and with previous records. By this, we can extract valuable information like, distribution of water to the plants in the agricultural field , pest infected zones in the land , crop yield . This is the cheapest method to conduct aerial survey of lands.
- Animal and Bird menace
Animal and Bird menace is a common problem to farmers. While animals like wild pigs spoil the crops, birds eat away most of the produce ( grains, sunflower seeds etc.).This menace can be minimized by scaring them with huge sounds and/or by shining intense light into their eyes. UAV Team developed a solution to this problem by mounting Air Horn and Powerful Light Source on the UAV and making it hover in the sky randomly in the farmer’s land, to scare away birds and animals.
- Building High Payload UAVS (Application : Spraying pesticides from UAVs
Designing a UAV to Spray pesticides in the agricultural requires addressing a number of design metrics like payload Vs. the power source, capacity of the pesticide tank , time of flight per one time charge of batteries Presently, we could carry a payload of nearly one Gallon of pesticide on UAV and spray
SDR (Software Defined Radio): The lab has universal software radio peripherals (USRPs), each of which interfaces with a desktop computer via USB interface. Each radio has the capability to communicate in various frequency bands ranging from hundreds of megahertz to few giga Hertz.Consultancy Projects
- Multi-Channel Analyzer
ECIL has contacted CVR college of Engineering for developing the Multi-Channel Analyzer (MCA). This is an R&D project of ECIL. MCAs are used in nuclear instruments for different applications like Isotope Identification, Alpha/Gamma spectroscopy, Liquid scintillators, , which demand wide resolution. Basically the analog inputs. Types of radiation detection are processed and then digitized by an ADC. The digital value of various channels are plotted on a histogram of the nuclear of counts various pulse height, i.e.,pulse height spectrum. The range of pulse heights will be analyzed by the MCA for various types of detection. An FPGA having micro controller &DSP is used for peak detection, counting and histogram calculation. martFusion2 FPGA SoCconsiting of flashbased FPGA fabric 166MHz ARM Cortex-M3 processor and communications interfaces on a single chip.It consists of the following modules. - Signal Conditioning Module
- LCD Interface/Driver
- Keyboard Interface
- TFT Module
- Digital Output/Inputs
- Digital Controller for Variable Speed drive
The college is actively interacted with ECIL for the development of “Digital Controller for Variable Speed drive” for the applications of supplying coolant for Nuclear Reactors. The technicalities of the design and fabrication of HMI software and hardware is under development. HMI is practically an industrial PC with CPU integrated behind the monitor. It is mounted on the cabinet door of the Unit. HMI software is to be developed in visual basic or visual C. Screens consist of mimic diagrams, block diagrams, soft switches for ON, OFF, RESET operations etc., motor parameter list, energy consumption, control parameters like kp, ki, annunciator windows etc. HMI communicates with controller board, IO board on RS485 with MODBUS protocol and with control room by Ethernet. - Intelligent Eye for the Blind and Visually impaired with a hearing aid
The objective of this work is to help blind persons and the visually impaired, to read text label on product packages, bus routes, medicine bottles and handouts. For this purpose image to text conversion can be performed using image processing algorithms and several techniques to recognise character and conversion of this character to text and then to speech is required. The text regions must be localized automatically from which the character recognition must be done and then the text extraction. Each letter must be recognized by learning method. The extracted text then be converted into speech by using Speech Application Programming Interface(SAPI).
This Project has been applied to NASSCOM Social Innovation Forum and cleared two levels.
- Intrusion Detection System
A very powerful processor with high capacity GPU processing images for object detection and localization for perimeter protection of vital installations. This system has been demonstrated to ECIL and we are awaiting a commercial order from ECIL for this.
- Target Tracking by Thermal Imaging
A system has been developed for proof of concept for tracking of target by a missile for which a demonstration was given recently to BDL with thermal imaging. We are discussing with BDL about the scope of the work.
- IT in Agriculture
A system has been designed for studying health and need for input for plants in agricultural cultivation by multispectral analysis of the airborne images. Discussions are in progress with ECIL for marketing the product through agricultural universities.