M.Tech VLSI R18

R15 and R18 POs
R18-M.Tech-II-II Year-VLSI-COs

Regulation : R15 and R18 POs

R15 and R18 Regulation -List of Program Outcomes (POs)
R15 and R18 M.Tech-VLSI ALL POS PO1 An ability to independently carry out research/investigation and development work to solve practical problems.
PO2 An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/documentation.
PO3 Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor program.
PO4 An ability to understand, analyze and plan the design methodologies to propose real time solution.
PO5 The student should be able to design and implement various applications using EDA tools for solving complex problems of the society.
PO6 The student should be competent to handle current multi-domain industry designs with competing technologies.

Regulation : R18-M.Tech-I-I-VLSI-COs

Subject Code Course Title Course Outcomes Course Outcome Description
  At the end of the each course, student will be able to
  I M.Tech-I Semester
74101 RTL LEVEL SYSTEM DESIGN CO1 Learn Verilog HDL and learn to use EDA tools like Cadence, Mentor Graphics and Xilinx
CO2 Gain familiarity of Finite state machines, RTL design using reconfigurable logic
CO3 Learn about programmable logic devices like CPLDs
CO4 Learn about FPGAs and their physical design
CO5 Implement different applications with the tool
74102 VLSI TECHNOLOGY AND DESIGN CO1: Review FET fundamentals for VLSI design
CO2: Design, draw the layouts of all logic gates & various MOSFET’s by using scalable design rules
CO3: Know the methods to find delays, power utilized by using different methods of testing
CO4: Design different memory cells & arrays, finding different faults by conducting different testing methods
CO5: Design the subsystems based on VLSI concepts
74103 ANALOG AND DIGITAL CMOS VLSI DESIGN CO1: Learn about MOS transistor, Stick diagram and Layout
CO2: Learn about Physical design flow and combinational logic
CO3: Understand Sequential logic, Fin FET, TFET
CO4: Acquire knowledge of different types of Amplifiers and Differential amplifier
CO5: Understand different stages of OP Amp and its compensation techniques
74109 SEMICONDUCTOR MEMORIES TECHNOLOGY CO1: Select architecture and design semiconductor SRAMs and subsystems
CO2: Learn about Advanced DRAM Design ,Architecture, controllers
CO3: Know the state of the art memory chip design of non-volatile memories
CO4: Learn General Reliability Issues, radiation hardening techniques
CO5: Learn about Advanced Memory Technologies and High-density Memory Packing Technologies
(Professional Elective – I)
CO1: Understand the different semiconductor physics concepts
CO2: Understand the SPICE models, small signal, large signal and dynamic models
CO3: Learn MOS device equations and MOS spice models
CO4: Learn the different fabrication techniques
CO5: Understand the concept of modeling of hetero junction diodes
74105 EMBEDDED SYSTEM DESIGN (Professional Elective – I) CO1: Understand an embedded system and to know its applications
CO2: Learn the processing elements used in embedded systems
CO3: Understand embedded firmware
CO4: Knows the use of RTOS in embedded systems
CO5: Learn different task communication techniques in RTOS
74106 DESIGN OF FAULT TOLERANCE SYSTEMS(Professional Elective – II) CO1: Learn the fundamental concepts in fault tolerant design
CO2: Acquire the knowledge of design requirements for self check in circuits
CO3: Learn about design for testability rules and techniques for combinational circuits
CO4: Design and Implement built in self test.
CO5: Acquire the knowledge of Boundary scan architectures
74107 IMAGE AND VIDEO PROCESSING(Professional Elective – II) CO1: Learn image representation, filtering, compression
CO2: Learn the basics of video processing, representation, motion estimation
CO3: Understand the representation of video
CO4: Understand the principles and methods of motion estimation
CO5: Understand the principles of 2-D Motion estimation in image processing
(Professional Elective – II)
CO1: Understand the general design process of modern VLSI chips
CO2: Understand various algorithms (Partitioning, Placement, Floor planning) used in VLSI
CO3: Build capability to route in VLSI chips with the help of algorithms
CO4: Understand MCM, FPGA physical design based algorithms
CO5: Get the knowledge of ESD protection, clock distribution in VLSI chips
78101 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY AND IPR CO1: Understand research problem formulation and analyze research related information.
CO2: Follow research ethics
CO3: Understand that today’s world is controlled by Computer, Information Technology, but tomorrow world will be ruled by ideas, concept, and creativity.
CO4: Understanding importance of intellectual property rights.
CO5: Understand the importance of patent rights and developments in IPR.
(Lab I)
CO1 Identify, formulate, solve and implement problems in signal processing, communication systems etc. using RTL design tools
CO2 Use EDA tools like Cadence, Mentor Graphics and Xilinx
(Lab II)
CO1 Identify, formulate, solve and implement different digital circuits
CO2 Implement digital circuits using Cadence/ Synopsys/ Equivalent CAD tools

Regulation : R18-M.Tech-I-II-VLSI-COs

Subject Code Course Title Course Outcomes Course Outcome Description
  At the end of the each course, student will be able to
  I M.Tech-II Semester
74201 LOW POWER VLSI DESIGN CO1: Identify the sources of power dissipation in digital IC systems & understand the impact of power on system performance and reliability
CO2: Learn about different low power circuit techniques
CO3: Understand low power clock distribution networks
CO4: Learn about different power minimization techniques and circuit design styles
CO5: Learn about low power memories, their implementation
CO1: Familiarity of Front end design and verification techniques
CO2: Learn about different data types, arrays, Queues and Lists
CO3: Understand tasks, functions, void functions and statements
CO4: Understand about basic OOP, its classes and objects
CO5: Learn about randomization in System Verilog, its blocks and functions
CO1: Design System on Chip different processors.
CO2: Acquire knowledge of different internal bus architectures
CO3: Understand AES algorithm and JPEG compression implementation in SoC
CO4: know how the system forms with the lot of component and has majority about system level interconnections
CO5: Introduce hardware and software programmability verses performance
(Professional Elective – III)
CO1: Analyze CMOS based Switched Capacitor circuits
CO2: Design Phase Locked Loop (PLL) circuit to meet different application areas
CO3: Design Data converter circuits like DAC, ADC for a specific application
CO4: Design different converters
CO5: Study different modulators and filters
(Professional Elective – III)
CO1: Implement DSP algorithms, DFG representation, pipelining and parallel processing approaches
CO2: Understand retiming techniques, folding and can solve register minimization path problems
CO3: Understand different Systolic Array Design Methodology like FIR Systolic Arrays, 2D Systolic Array Design
CO4: Design Pipelined, parallel recursive and adaptive filters, Digital Lattice Filters
CO5: Understand Numerical strength reduction
(Professional Elective – III)
CO1: Design, using Matlab-based filter design techniques, FIR and IIR digital filters
CO2: Program and debug real-time signal processing algorithms in assembly language on a digital signal processor.
CO3: Multidisciplinary teams, identify an useful DSP application, and then plan, design, implement and verify for a digital signal processor.
CO4: Give an over view of entire digital signal processing techniques i.e. convolution, DFT, FFT, IIRFIR filters. The fixed and floating-point representation, different types of errors introduced during A-D and D-A converter stage.
CO5: Introduce the DSP computational building blocks and special types of addressing modes compared to normal microprocessor.
(Professional Elective – IV)
CO1: Be familiar with ASIC designs
CO2: Learn about library cell design, library architecture
CO3: Understand different types of simulation, models and verification
CO4: Learn about physical design, different CAD tools, their methods and algorithms
CO5: Understand routing, planning and placement
(Professional Elective – IV)
CO1: Understand the characteristics and uses of scripting languages
CO2: Learn the different features of Advanced Perl
CO3: Acquire knowledge of TCL philosophy and different features
CO4: Learn about advanced TCL
CO5: Get knowledge of object-oriented programming concepts
(Professional Elective – IV)
CO1: Study the need of different target architectures and co-design to solve engineering, communication and other problems.
CO2: Analysis and extension of existing compilers and languages to system level co-design models for creation and using of modern tools
CO3: Design mixed hardware-software systems and the design of hardware-software interfaces
CO4: Focus on common underlying modeling concepts and the trade-offs between hardware and software components
CO5: Learn about System –level specification, design representation for system level synthesis, system level specification languages
CO1: Design digital and analog Circuits using CMOS
CO2: Use EDA tools like Cadence, Mentor Graphics and other open source software tools like Ngspice
(Lab – IV)
CO1: Verify increasingly complex designs more efficiently and effectively
CO2: Use EDA tools like Cadence, Mentor Graphics
74233 TECHNICAL SEMINAR CO1 Collection and review of research material from literature
CO2 Analysis of concepts in multi-disciplinary research areas
CO3 Preparation and presentation of technical topics with decent communication skills

Regulation : R18-M.Tech-II-IYear-VLSI-COs 

Subject Code Course Title Course Outcomes Course Outcome Description
  At the end of the each course, student will be able to
  II M.Tech-I Semester
(Professional Elective – V)
CO1: Identify the role of testing and understand different types of testing
CO2: Differentiate between logic simulation and fault simulation, choose the algorithm that suits the given design for design verification and test evaluation
CO3: Understand the testability measures and estimate the difficulty in testing a given design
CO4: Learn and use various techniques for chip level Built-In Self Test design
CO5: Understand the use of JTAG boundary scan
(Professional Elective – V)
CO1: Familiarize with the basics of automation process and various physical designs CAD tools
CO2: Develop and enhance the existing algorithms and computational techniques for physical design process of VLSI systems
CO3: Develop layouts for VLSI circuits and undergoing various physical design steps like placement and Partitioning
CO4: Understand all types of routing techniques
CO5: Understand about various compaction algorithms and routing issues
(Professional Elective – V)
CO1: To understand the basic science behind the design and fabrication of nano scale systems
CO2: To understand and formulate new engineering solutions for current problems and competing technologies for future applications
CO3: To be able to learn about Nano-lithography and MEMS
CO4: To gather detailed knowledge of Carbon Nano tubes
CO5: To be able to make inter disciplinary projects applicable to wide areas by clearing and fixing the boundaries in system development
78301 BUSINESS ANALYTICS CO1: Students will demonstrate knowledge of data analytics.
CO2: Students will demonstrate the ability of thinking critically in making decisions based on data and deep analytics.
CO3: Students will demonstrate the ability to use technical skills in business analytics and predictive analysis.
CO4: Student will be able to understand various forecasting and simulation models.
CO5: Students will demonstrate the ability to translate data into clear, actionable insights and learn decisions strategies.
78302 INDUSTRIAL SAFETY CO1: After completion of course students will be able to analysis various industrial hazards.
CO2: Students should able to implement maintenance tools and techniques in manufacturing industry.
CO3: Student will be able to use teratology concept in manufacturing industry.
CO4: Students will be able to diagnose industrial equipment’s like air pump, compressors etc.
CO5: Students should able to design a preventive maintenance schedule for mechanical components in manufacturing industry.
(Open Elective) (Common to all)
CO1: Students should able to apply the dynamic programming to solve problems of discreet and continuous variables
CO2: Students should able to apply the concept of non-linear programming
CO3: Students should able to carry out sensitivity analysis
CO4: Student should able to model the real world problem and simulate it.
CO5: Students should able to solve the real time problem using Linear programming problem techniques.
78304 COST MANAGEMENT OF ENGINEERING PROJECTS CO1: Understand the parameters involved in the strategic cost management process.
CO2: Comprehend the technical and non-technical activities involved in the Project Management.
CO3: Understand the relation between project planning and cost analysis.
CO4: Understand different types of budgets and application in Civil Engineering projects
CO5: Understand different costing methods and valuation techniques for different projects.
78305 COMPOSITE MATERIALS CO1: Students will demonstrate the knowledge of reinforcement, & composite performance.
CO2: Students will demonstrate the different fibers & mechanical behavior of composites.
CO3: Students will demonstrate the knowledge of manufacturing of various metal matrix composites.
CO4: Students will demonstrate the manufacturing of polymer matrix composites
CO5: Students will demonstrate the knowledge of stress, maximum strain & failure criteria
78306 ENERGY FROM WASTE CO1: Understand the types of various energy conversion units from waste.
CO2: Get the knowledge on the solid waste disposal techniques
CO3: Understand the biochemical conversion of various residues.
CO4: Familiarize about the step by step process of Biogas Conversion.
CO5: Understand E-waste Management in
74304 Seminar on Project Work CO1 Collection and review of research material from literature
CO2 Analysis of concepts in multi-disciplinary research areas
CO3 Preparation and presentation of technical topics with decent communication skills
74305 Project Work Phase – I CO1 Apply knowledge to propose solutions to the multi domain and real time systems
CO2 Perform data collection, review research literature and project management
CO3 Use modern EDA tools and research knowledge for developing cost effective systems
CO4 Develop presentation and communication skills

Regulation : R18-M.Tech-II-II Year-VLSI-COs


Subject Code Course Title Course Outcomes Course Outcome Description
  At the end of the each course, student will be able to
  II M.Tech-II Semester
74401 Project Work Phase – II CO1 Apply knowledge to propose solutions to the multi domain and real time systems
CO2 Perform data collection, review research literature and project management
CO3 Use modern EDA tools and research knowledge for developing cost effective systems
CO4 Develop presentation and communication skills